Welcome to the Committees page of Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. Our mission is to help build climate resilient communities throughout our watershed by protecting people and property from natural and human-made flooding hazards; and to foster connections with our natural environment. To achieve our goals, we rely on the dedication and expertise of our committees, which provide guidance, strategic direction, and specialized knowledge in various areas of conservation.
Conservation Authorities recognize the importance of committees as they bring together diverse perspectives and expertise, ensuring that our initiatives are well-rounded, effective, and grounded in scientific knowledge. Each committee focuses on a specific area of conservation, working collaboratively to address the unique challenges and opportunities presented in the Saugeen Valley watershed.
We are proud to introduce our four primary committees:
Forestry Committee: This committee is responsible for overseeing the protection, management, and enhancement of our forest resources. Their work ensures the long-term health and sustainability of the watershed's forests, which in turn supports biodiversity, combats climate change, and provides recreational opportunities for our community.
Property and Parks Committee: Focused on the acquisition, development, and management of SVCA-owned properties and parks, this committee works diligently to maintain and enhance our beautiful green spaces. They strive to provide safe, accessible, and enjoyable recreational opportunities that promote a healthy connection between people and nature.
Water Resources Committee: The protection and management of our water resources is crucial for the health of our watershed and the communities within it. This committee addresses issues related to water quality, flood and erosion control, and water supply management, all while ensuring the sustainability and resilience of our aquatic ecosystems.
Agricultural Advisory Committee: Agriculture plays a vital role in the Saugeen Valley watershed. The Agricultural Advisory Committee works collaboratively with local farmers and industry stakeholders to promote best management practices that ensure the long-term viability of our agricultural lands, while also protecting the environment and conserving natural resources.
Together, these committees enable the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority to create a positive and lasting impact on our watershed, its ecosystems, and the people who call it home.
Tom Hutchinson is ex-officio on all of the following committees.
Forestry Committee:
Barbara Dobreen
Moiken Penner
Sue Paterson
Bud Halpin
Property and Parks Committee:
Moiken Penner
Paul Allen
Larry Allison
Kevin Eccles
Jennifer Prenger
Water Resources Committee:
Greg McLean
Bill Stewart
Mike Niesen
Barbara Dobreen
Agricultural Advisory Committee:
Chris Cossitt, Bruce County Federation of Agriculture
Les Nichols, Bruce County Federation of Agriculture
Karen Gorman, Grey County Federation of Agriculture
Paul Wettlaufer, Grey County Federation of Agriculture
Adam Dales, Member-at-Large
Matthew VanAnkum, Member-at-Large
Allan Willits, Huron County Federation of Agriculture
Board Members: Steve McCabe, Dave Myette, Mike Niesen, Jennifer Prenger
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