Learn more about the regulation, and how to appeal a decision.
About the regulation:
Through the Conservation Authorities Act, SVCA is responsible for regulating development around hazardous lands and environmental features. We want to make sure changes to those areas are done is a safe, responsible way. Permits are required for development or alteration near a watercourse, wetland, valley-land, erosion prone area, floodplain and/or shoreline. See Ontario Regulation 41/24 and the Conservation Authorities Act for more information about which natural hazards are regulated.
For in-depth information about the rules for regulated areas, please see SVCA’s Environmental Planning and Regulations Policies Manual.
How to appeal a decision:
If SVCA staff are unable to approve a permit application, you have 30 days to request a Section 28 Hearing before SVCA's Hearing Board. The Hearing Board is comprised of the Saugeen Conservation Board of Directors.
To request an appeal, contact the reviewing staff member. Their information is included in the correspondence provided to you.
How to request an administrative review:
If SVCA staff do not feel that they have sufficient information to accept an application as complete, an appeal can be filed through the administrative review process. An administrative review is conducted by the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer.
The administrative review decision by the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer is final regarding completeness of an application, though you may revise your application after the decision is rendered for further review by staff. This process only determines if the application itself can proceed for permit consideration. This process does not indicate whether or not a permit will be issued.
To request an administrative review contact the reviewing staff member. Their information is included in the correspondence provided to you.
Hearing Guidelines:
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Hearing Guidelines, per section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, as revised and approved in 2025.
The Saugeen Conservation staff directory is online here.
If you remain unsure what staff member you should contact to initiate either an appeal or an administrative review, please email the Manager of Environmental Planning and Regulations.
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