Permits and Planning
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority’s (SVCA) Environmental Planning and Regulations Department is responsible for reviewing new building and site alteration proposals in or around watercourses, wetlands, floodplains, and shorelines. Since the 1970s, permits have been required from SVCA, associated with many versions of legislation, to protect people and property from natural hazards. SVCA also acts as a Review Agency and is circulated on all Planning Act Applications Under the Planning Act. All conservation authorities are considered “public bodies” under the Planning Act and must be given the opportunity to comment on applications and planning documents. These processes, while largely consistent through the years, have been updated from time to time.
New legislative changes have been introduced by the Provincial Government, modifying this permitting role, at Conservation Authorities. On February 16, 2024, Ontario Regulation 41/24, concerning Prohibited Activities, Exemptions, and Permits, was announced, and is scheduled to take effect on April 1, 2024. This regulation, along with changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, alters SVCA’s permitting process and the scope of activities requiring SVCA review. Read more about these changes here.
Saugeen Conservation staff are on hand to address any inquiries related to ongoing files or potential projects, ensuring clarity on the effects of these legislative changes. We are committed to providing guidance to help understand the new regulatory landscape. Email:

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