January 19th, 2024 - Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority was held January 19th, 2024 in person at the Administrative Office in Formosa.
Many greetings were shared by member municipalities, these included: Lisa Thompson, MPP, Huron/Bruce Pat O’Connor, on behalf of Ben Lobb, MP Huron/Bruce Angela Coleman, Conservation Ontario Glen McNeil, Warden, Huron County Ed McGugan, Vice Chair Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (also performed Chair Pro Tem duties) Phil Beard, General Manager, MVCA Tim Lanthier, CAO, GSCA Katie Langdon, NWMO Mark Goetz, Mayor, South Bruce Paul McQueen, Mayor, Grey Highlands Coreena Smith, Bruce County Planning Andrew Beumer, Bruce County Transportation Moiken Penner, on behalf of Arran-Elderslie Greetings received by written correspondence from Alex Ruff, MP, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound.
Staff recognition awards were given to the following SVCA employees: Donna Lacey, Manager of Forestry and Lands: 25 years Laura Molson, Manager of Corporate Services: 20 years Rick Rowbotham, Field Operations Coordinator: 10 years Cheryl Skingley, Brucedale Superintendent: 5 years
The executive were elected as follows: Chair: Barbara Dobreen Vice Chair: Tom Hutchinson 2nd Vice Chair: Paul Allen Member at Large: Greg McLean
Committee appointments as follows:
Forestry Committee: Tom Hutchinson, Moiken Penner, Bud Halpin, Dave Myette Property and Parks Committee: Paul Allen, Moiken Penner, Larry Allison, Bill Stewart, Jennifer Prenger Water Resources Committee: Tom Hutchinson, Greg McLean, Dave Myette, Bill Stewart Agricultural Advisory Committee: Dave Myette, Steve McCabe, Kevin Eccles and Mike Niesen
The revised 2024 SVCA Budget was passed, at 5.7 million from 5.9 million. Concern was noted about the provincial fee freeze which occurred in late December, with official correspondence on behalf of Saugeen Conservation recommended, in line with current municipal efforts.
A delegation was presented to the Board of Directors from a concerned citizen, however no questions or comments were provided as the file is currently open with the Environmental Planning and Regulations department.
To read the agenda in its entirety, please click here.
February 15th, 2024
Due to weather conditions, the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors met virtually on February 15th, 2024.
Acting General Manager Erik Downing recognized the following Directors for their service on the board for a continuous five years:
- Bill Stewart, Municipality of Kincardine
- Tom Hutchinson, Municipality of West Grey
- Paul Allen, Municipality of Grey Highlands
Water Resources Manager, Elise MacLeod P.Eng, presented a preview of the publicly accessible water quality data (dating back to 1960) that will be heading to the SVCA website shortly. The project was made possible by funding through RBC's Tech For Nature Program, and represents the first time historical data has been made accessible on a public platform by the Authority.
The Water Resources Committee meeting schedule was amended, and the WHIMIS policy approved for 2024.
The Environmental Planning and Regulations report pertaining to Administrative Guidelines was approved pending the inclusion of a quorum component. The SVCA Board of Directors then gave permission through motion for SVCA staff to inform applicants of zoning issues when reviewing development proposals.
To read the agenda in its entirety, please click here.
March 21st, 2024
Due to weather conditions, the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors met virtually on March 21st, 2024.
The delegation from Al Leach of the Children's Safety Village was postponed. Susan Glausauer from the University of Waterloo gave a delegation proposing that the SVCA Board of Directors consider supporting a proposal that would have the Greenock Swamp designated as a 'Wetland of Distinction' through the Society of Wetland Scientists. The swamp does appear to meet the recommended criteria, there are no associated legal implications, nor particular benefits. Concern was noted by Directors that the property would be unable to accommodate an increase of visitors, and that other natural areas in Grey and Bruce Counties that have experienced an influx, have been at the detriment of the property.
A return to work update and general manager's report was given by Jennifer Stephens, General Manager, Secretary-Treasurer. Ms. Stephen's highlighted the recent Provincial changes through O.Reg 41/24, SVCA's operational plan and associated work.
New staff were welcomed; Rick Southcote accepted the position of Environmental Technician, to support CA Act deliverables. Kyle hope accepted the position of Capital Water Infrastructure Coordinator at SVCA, which will involve coordination of capital infrastructure projects, including preparing RFPs, RFQs, infrastructure inspections, and permitting. Alex Duszczyzszyn joined SVCA as a Forestry Technician.
A new campground reservation system called Campspot is working well for the Forestry and Lands department. In the SVCA fleet, a truck that was slated for replacement in 2024, but funding for which was removed during budget negotiation was discovered to have a cracked frame.
Water Resources announced that all engineered flood hazard mapping under the Federal FHIMP has been completed. The publicly accessible water data, made possible through funding by RBC's Tech for Nature grant, has been published: www.saugeenconservation.ca/data
An updated hiring policy was approved, as was the appointment of two members to the Agricultural Advisory Committee and all permits issued for endorsement.
To view the agenda package in its entirety, please click here.
May 16th, 2024
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors met on Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 1:00pm.
The 2023 Audited Financial Statements were presented through delegation format by a representative of Baker Tilly SGB LLP, and were approved as presented. The deferred delegation from March 21st, 2024 from Al Leach of the Children's Safety Village was received.
The SVCA Board of Directors approved the following policies: Accessibility Policy, Records Retention Policy as well as the MFIPPA Report and the Final Inventory of Programs and Services.
Environmental Planning and Regulations presented reports on the permit application and template, annual reporting, stop work orders and procedures, status of active violations and new policy planning instruments. All were endorsed or received as appropriate.
An update was given regarding the pond at Varney Conservation Area, noting that the estimated total cost associated with reopening and operating the pond at Varney Conservation Area is $800,500. With consideration to the costs associated addressing structural deficiencies, public safety concerns, permitting and general remediation, disposal of the property should be explored.
The Board of Directors then endorsed an application made by students at the University of Guelph to designate the Greenock Swamp as a Wetland of Distinction. One SVCA staff member was designated as a Provincial Offences Officer, and $35,000 was allocated to Durham Conservation Area for the purposes of making the site compatible with winter camping.
Hazard Classification was presented for the Durham Upper Dam, and public safety plans for Durham Lower Dam and Glen Elg were approved as presented.
To view the agenda package in its entirety, please click here.
July 18th, 2024
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors met on Thursday, July 18th, 2024 at 1:00pm.
Bylaw Amendments and an agreement with Grey County for the provision of a pilot project pertaining to the procurement of legal services through a pilot project for assistance with Section 28 and Section 29 Conservation Act items were approved.
Environmental Planning and Regulations presented permits, and a report on the Town of Saugeen Shores' interest in implementing two-zone floodplain mapping for Southampton.
Regarding CA Act Deliverables, the Conservation Areas Strategy, the Watershed Based Management Strategy were approved to proceed with public consultation, and the Ice Management Plan was endorsed by the Board.
Slight increases to campground fees were approved for the 2025 year.
Fulsome reports on the Durham Upper Dam and Walkerton Hydro Dam were shared, with EA recommendations stemming from both. An update was given on the SVCA Hydrometric Network, which included both improvements and decommissioning efforts.
The Board moved to support full transparency with applicable municipal partners through the sharing of all available documents, drawings, and reports, both historic and current, related to water and erosion control infrastructure that is deemed special benefitting.
To read the agenda package in its entirety, please click here.
September 19th, 2024
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors met on Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at 1:00pm.
The SVCA Board of Directors approved the following policies: Confidentiality Policy, Artificial Intelligence Policy, Lands Acquisition Policy. A Fundraising Strategy was also approved that focused on encouraging a diverse and sustainable revenue stream for the Authority.
The SVCA Pay Policy and proposed Annual Report were deferred back to staff for minor adjustment. These items will return to the Board.
Environmental Planning and Regulations permits issued for endorsement were expeditiously approved.
The meeting then moved into closed session.
To read the agenda package in its entirety, please click here.
October 17th, 2024
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) Board of Directors held a virtual meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
SVCA General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer, Erik Downing, provided a verbal update on the lightning strike that occurred at the SVCA Administration Office on Sunday, October 6, 2024. He informed the board that the strike caused damage to both the interior and exterior of the building, with structural and electrical inspections currently underway.
The Board approved the 2025 Fee Schedule. While campground fees were previously approved, all fees were bundled for discussion. It was noted that, despite a fee review by Watsons and Associates indicating that current review fees are not covering costs, the Ministry of Natural Resources has not permitted fee adjustments related to planning or permitting since January 1, 2023. Cost of living or other fee increases are not allowed until directed by the Minister.
The Board was informed that SVCA will celebrate its 75th anniversary in July 2025, and an event planning committee has been established to coordinate preparations.
The Board also approved the Conservation Areas Strategy and Watershed-Based Resource Management Strategy, both of which had undergone public consultation as required under the Conservation Authorities Act.
The Pay Policy, which had been deferred from September’s meeting, was approved.
All permits presented by Matt Armstrong, Acting Environmental Planning and Regulations Manager, were approved, along with the new Environmental Planning and Regulations (EPR) Policies Manual. The manual outlines SVCA’s approach to reviewing planning and development applications under the Planning Act, and defines the criteria for administering regulatory responsibilities under the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24. It is used by EPR staff for consistent review and by the public to understand policies guiding development near natural hazards.
Finally, the Board endorsed the submission of SVCA’s application to the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund (CSRIF) for the repair and rehabilitation of recreational infrastructure at Sulphur Spring Conservation Area.
To read the agenda package in its entirety, please click here.
November 21, 2024
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) Board of Directors held a virtual meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
SVCA General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer, Erik Downing, provided a verbal update on the lightning strike that occurred at the SVCA Administration Office on Sunday, October 6, 2024. He informed the board that the strike caused damage to both the interior and exterior of the building, and remediation is underway.
The 2025 meeting schedule of the SVCA Board of Directors was approved, as was the 2025 SVCA Budget for circulation to member municipalities.
Environmental Planning and Regulations had an update to the violations strategy, permits and 2025 fees approved.
Water Resources returned to the board for the approval of the cessation of ice management practices at the Durham Upper Dam.
To read the agenda in its entirety, please click here.