Annual Meeting January 20, 2022

Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority conducted its Annual Meeting on Thursday January 20th, 2022. The Directors and Staff would like to extend heartfelt appreciation to the Dignitaries and special guests that participated and brought greetings from their Ridings and organizations.
Guests included:
- Alex Ruff, M.P. Bruce/Grey/Owen Sound
- Lisa Thompson, M.P.P, Huron-Bruce
- Randy Pettapiece, M.P.P, Perth/ Wellington
- Steve Hammell, Honorable Mayor (Arran-Elderslie)
- Chris Peabody, Honorable Mayor (Brockton)
- Paul McQueen, Honorable Mayor (Grey Highlands)
- John Woodbury, Honorable Mayor (Southgate).
Other guests from bordering Conservation Authorities were also in attendance.
The Board of Directors re-elected the Executive Committee for 2022:
- Chair: Maureen Couture
- Vice Chair: Barbara Dobreen
- 2nd Vice-Chair: Steve McCabe
- Past Chair: Dan Gieruszak
For more information about the Saugeen Conservation Board of Directors, visit our website at Board of Directors - Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (
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