January 13, 2025 - Flood Outlook West Grey
Watershed Conditions Statement: Flood Outlook Main Saugeen River and Tributaries in the Municipality of West Grey
Monday, January 13th, 2025 to Monday, January 27th, 2025
Saugeen Conservation advises that the Flood Watch Update issued on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 is being replaced by a Flood Outlook statement due to stable river conditions and forecasted air temperatures.
Efforts by the Municipality of West Grey successfully removed ice accumulation from the Main Saugeen River below the Durham Lower Dam. This measure has led to decreased water levels and stabilized river conditions in the area. Conditions are expected to improve further as water continues to create a channel through the remaining ice.
While there are no immediate concerns, extreme cold temperatures are forecasted to return on Sunday, January 19th, 2025, and persist for several days. This could result in the formation of frazil ice. The extent of frazil ice production will depend on the ice cover that forms on the Main Saugeen River between Durham and Priceville. Once ice cover forms, it insulates the water from cold air, which can help reduce or prevent the formation of frazil ice.
SVCA staff and the Municipality of West Grey remain focused on public safety, with SVCA continuing to provide timely flood forecasting information. Municipal staff are advised to stay prepared to respond if conditions change.
Saugeen Conservation staff will be closely monitoring the situation daily and will provide an update if conditions change.
To report flooding: www.saugeenconservation.ca/reportflood
For municipal staff and public seeking more information:
Jody Duncan, Flood Forecasting and Warning Coordinator
Email: floodcoordinator@svca.on.ca | Cell: (519) 369-8247
Media inquiries:
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
Email: media@svca.on.ca | Cell: 519-369-4295
Website: www.saugeenconservation.ca
Click here to download the statement.
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