Forest Conditions
Forests provide important habitat for wildlife and plants. Forests also give us cleaner air and water, economic benefits, and recreational areas for people to enjoy.
Forest conditions in the 2022 report card were graded on the percentage of forest cover, forest interior and riparian cover, which is the area between land and a river or stream.
Forests in our watershed have changed since early settlement, with agriculture and housing development driving the demand for forest clearing. The growing presence of invasive plant and animal species can also overwhelm forests.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools were used to determine forest grades.
Our Findings:
Grades range from A (excellent) to D (poor), with mostly B (good) and C (fair).
Forests grow slowly, but the benefits begin as soon as trees are planted. Changes in forest cover will be noticed in five years or more.
- In 2022, Saugeen Conservation planted 28,000 trees and more than that number again were sold directly to landowners for independent planting.