April 15, 2024, Watershed Conditions Statement: Water Safety
Watershed Conditions Statement: Water Safety
Monday, April 15th to Friday, April 19th, 2024
Saugeen Conservation advises that the Flood Outlook issued on April 12th, 2024 has been revised to a Water Safety Statement. Water levels have increased significantly in response to recent rainfall and are expected to remain elevated throughout this week.
Due to a large low-pressure system that brought between 50 and 78 millimeters (mm) of rain to the watershed between Wednesday and Sunday, water levels and flows are elevated in local watercourses. Small watercourses peaked on Saturday and have been receding since; larger watercourses, including the Teeswater and Saugeen Rivers, peaked early Monday morning and are now beginning to recede. With an additional 15 mm of rain forecasted for this Wednesday and saturated ground conditions, it is expected that flows will remain high over the next few days.
While significant flooding is not expected, watercourses could reach or exceed bank-full conditions, with minor flooding in low-lying areas. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along watercourse banks are extremely dangerous. The public is reminded to stay away from all watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Recreational river users should take extra precautions, as higher water levels and faster flows are expected to persist throughout the week.
Saugeen Conservation staff will be closely monitoring the situation and will provide an update if conditions change. This message will remain in effect through the end of Friday, April 19th, 2024.
To report flooding in your area, visit our website: saugeenconservation.ca/reportflood
For more information, please contact: Jody Duncan, Flood Forecasting and Warning Coordinator (519) 369-8247 floodcoordinator@svca.on.ca
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